​​​ Vermilion County Farm Bureau
  Serving Vermilion County Agriculture Since 1918

Hoops for Hunger Bracket Challenge

Vermilion County Farm Bureau urges everyone to take a moment and consider all that agriculture provides - jobs, income and a way of life for those on farms, employment for more than 20% of the Vermilion County manufacturing, transportation and service workforce, and food, fiber and fuel for all of us.

Credit Card accepted for Membership Payments

If you fill out a bracket for the NCAA tournament, here's a chance to help food pantries by participating in the Hoops for Hunger Bracket Challenge. 

1. Complete your bracket by 11:00 am (CDT) on Thursday, March 20
2. If you want your bracket entered into the challenge, donate $10 per bracket here.

3. Click here to complete your bracket(s) (you may complete up to 10 brackets)
4. The winning bracket gets bragging right and chooses which food bank or pantry receives the total amount of money raised!
Any Illinois Farm Bureau member in good standing may participate, and you can donate without having to fill out a bracket.

Vermilion County Farm

Bureau members are

urged to post signs on

their property to

promote the IL Farm

Bureau $1,000 Crime

Reward Program. It offers a $1,000 reward to the person that gives information leading to the felony conviction of a person or persons committing theft, damage to property, arson or similar felony crimes against ag production-related property in Illinois. The signs are available at the Farm Bureau office. The first sign is free, with additional signs available for cost ($2.50). There are also stickers available that the be placed on your property as a deterrent to rural crime.

The placemats above will be in restaurants across Vermilion County this week, sharing the farmers' story. Thanks go to our sponsors for supporting this 26th year of National Ag Week placemats!

Calendar of Events

   National Agriculture Week - March 16-22

   Board of Directors Meeting - March 20

   Nurse Practitioner Scholarship Deadline - May 1

   IVET Scholarship Deadline - May 15

   Board of Directors Meeting - May 15
​   Vermilion County Fair - June 25-29
   Georgetown Fair & 4-H Show - July 5-12

   Barn Door Open Golf Outing - July 31


Click here to read the latest

Agronomist Notebook

   by Eric Beckett

  Field Agronomist

Add your barn to the VCFB Barn Catalog

Help us preserve our

farming landscape

heritage by adding

your barn to the catalog.

Click on the barn to submit the information about your barn.

National Agriculture Week

March 16-22